

LifeChange is a hands-on ministry dedicated to reaching children in Mexico and Southeast Asia with the love of Jesus.

Here at LifeChange, we are passionate about the mission of God. We desire each and every person – young or old – to have a heart for missions and to reach the most unloved with God’s good news.

LifeChange Action supports children at Christian Casa Hogar’s (children’s homes): Ninos de Fe, City of Angels and Catherine’s Kids (an orphanage for special needs or medically fragile children) in northwestern, Mexico. We also minister at a local daycare center weekly, Tony the Tiger, and do two community outreaches where we provide food and clothes, along with bible lessons and english lessons for adults and children. Located near LifeChange’s office in Tijuana, Mexico (just south of San Diego, California) these establishments minister to a combined total of about 150 children. Because of both their needs and close proximity, these Casa Hogar’s and community outreaches were selected to benefit from the LifeChange network. These locations also allow LifeChange staff to regularly visit the children and share Christ’s love, further developing lasting friendships.

Discover the heartbeat of our organization by viewing our Core Values page:

Our Core Values

Each of these children need love, but it is hard to come by. Some of the children are passed from one orphanage to another – searching for someone who will genuinely love them and care for them.

At LifeChange, it is our goal to bring God’s people to the children and show them the love of Jesus Christ. Through our affordable, 7 day mission trips, the body of Christ is able to come and meet these kids where they are – playing games and doing crafts, as well as teaching them stories from the Bible.

We have also procured real estate and developed two Ministry Centers that are used for weekly orphan gatherings, monthly birthday parties, Christmas events, and other special gatherings for the children. Work is currently underway to open our own orphanage at these two adjacent Ministry Centers in the future. Please pray all the details of government licensing and construction work will progress as planned.

LifeChange also supports two orphanages in Asia: Grace Home, a gospel-centered orphanage connected with an 800 member school, and Happiness Home, where 75 children infected with or affected by HIV are loved and cared for. Both of these orphanages are aligned with the vision and policies of LifeChange.

Locations for these ministries are not publicly posted due to rising levels of restriction and resistance against Christianity in this region. Further information is available for sponsors and participants in the LifeChange network.

God’s work, done God’s way, will never lack God’s supply.

Hudson Taylor (Founder of China Inland Mission)


God’s good news in Christ draws us to go into His world with His love. You can engage in His mission. You can bring lasting hope and change to boys and girls. Join with us today:

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