Project Description
Grace for Every Child
Faith. Hope. Love… In Jesus. These core values drive the heartbeat of our organization. Our call is not to keep these life-changing truths to ourselves but to bring them to others, specifically orphaned and disadvantaged children. Countless orphans wake up each morning without love, without hope, and without Jesus. We believe there is enough hope and love in the body of Christ to share with these children, so we are determined to network with Christians for that purpose. United through our faith in Christ, we can bring hope. We can give love. We can show them Jesus.
LifeChange’s founder, Joshua Guido, has had a heart for orphans since he was a teenager. He recalls visiting a husband and wife once who had ten children—seven of whom were adopted. “I want to have a family like that one day,” thought Josh. He wondered what it would be like to visit an orphanage and choose a child to adopt. He thought of the children who wait and hope for someone, someday, who will call them their son or daughter.
LifeChange is a hands-on ministry dedicated to reaching children in Mexico and Southeast Asia with the love of Jesus. We are passionate about the mission of God. We desire each and every person – young or old – to have a heart for missions and to reach the most unloved with God’s good news.
We are holistic: supporting children through clean water initiatives, food, clothing, education, and genuine love.
We are collective: learning together to give together in order to do more together for the good of humankind and the glory of God.
We are Christian: telling orphans that there are people they have never met who love and care for them. We tell them about the Jesus whom they can meet, who loves them with unstoppable, amazing mercy.
Together, we can bring orphans love and hope in Jesus.
Learn more about the specific locations in which we serve.
“We exist to guide children to hope by caring for them with Christ’s love.”
17,800,000 children worldwide are orphans
According to UNICEF, providing the most reliable statistics available, 17,800,000 children worldwide are orphans who have neither father nor mother. Not included in that number are the millions who have been abandoned by their parents or taken from them. Often, parents become unfit through drug abuse and criminal activity, landing them in prison and their children in orphanages. In the Ukraine alone, 90% of the 200,000 orphans in state homes have one or both parents living, yet they never experience the powerful love of a father and mother.
Worse, many orphan boys grow up to become criminals and the girls are often lured into prostitution and sex slavery. Without Christ, they have no love and certainly no hope. Christ’s gospel is not only the good news of love but it is a gospel of adoption. Galatians 4:5-6 says that God sent his Son “so that we might receive adoption as sons and because we are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”
God’s good news in Christ draws us to go into His world with His love. You can engage in His mission. You can bring lasting hope and change to boys and girls. Join with us today: